Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Conversation Topics – Beginners Level


  1. Do you like to read books?

  2. Do you like to listen to music?

  3. Do you like to watch movies?

  4. What kind of books do you read?

  5. Which is your favourite movie, and why?

  6. Do you like to travel?

  7. Which is the colour that makes you happy?

  8. Which is your favourite cartoon character?

  9. Which is your favourite place that you have visited?

  10. Which are your top three travel destinations?

  11. What is your favourite memory of your childhood?

  12. What is your dream travel destination?

  13. Did you read comics?

  14. Which is your favourite comic character?

  15. Do you enjoy any kind of art form?

  16. Which are the top ten places you would want to visit before you die?

  17. Which was the most memorable moment of your life?

  18. Who are your top three favourite actors?

  19. Which are your top three favourite songs?

  20. Who is there in your family?

  21. Do you prefer movies or books?

  22. Which is your favourite movie that has been adapted from a book?

  23. Which is the movie you wish you could have been a part of?

  24. What are you the most afraid of?

  25. What are your hobbies?

  26. How much free time do you have?

  27. What do you like to do during your free time?

  28. What kind of music do you like?

  29. Who is the top favourite music artist?

  30. Do you get time to practice your hobbies?

  31. Do you enjoy watching sports?

  32. Which is your favourite sport? Why?

  33. Who is your favourite player? Why?

  34. Have you ever played any sport?

  35. When you were young, what did you wish to become?

  36. Do you like adventure sports?

  37. Have you ever tried any adventure sports?

  38. What foods do you dislike?

  39. How do you plan on reaching the goals that you have set for yourself?

  40. How important are your goals to you?

  41. Are you allergic to any specific kind of food?

  42. Do you like to eat out?

  43. Would you refer to yourself as an optimistic person?

  44. In your school or college days, which subject did you like the most? Why?

  45. Which subject did you dislike the most during your school or college days?

  46. Who is the one person in your life you look up to?

  47. Are you close to your family?

  48. Who is the one person you are closest to?

  49. Should uniform be mandatory in schools?

  50. What motivates you to do things?

  51. What are the goals in your life?

  52. Have you accomplished any of your goals in life so far?

  53. What kinds of dreams do you have?

  54. Which is the movie that inspired you the most?

  55. Which is the movie that made you cry?

  56. What is your favourite childhood memory?

  57. If you were given a million dollars today, what would you do with the money?

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