Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Conversation Topics – Advanced Level


  1. Does the media exaggerate every news?

  2. Do you trust in the political leaders of your country? Why?

  3. What is your opinion on capital punishment? Why?

  4. Is lifetime imprisonment better than capital punishment? Why?

  5. Should rapists be given life imprisonment?

  6. How can governments of wealthy countries help governments of developing countries?

  7. Have you ever been subjected to domestic violence?

  8. Is the world more violent today?

  9. Should every adult have easy access to guns for self-defence?

  10. Should marijuana be legalized?

  11. If you had the finance, would you help a family in need?

  12. Should movies be censored?

  13. Does the censoring of movies ruin the movie?

  14. Men and women should be entitled to get equal pay for the same job.

  15. Students should be allowed to change their major if they want to.

  16. There should be higher job security in private jobs.

  17. How to address the concept of death to children?

  18. Communication is always the key to all healthy relationships.

  19. Having boundaries is okay.

  20. Should children be punished when they misbehave in order to teach them a lesson?

  21. Should children be given an allowance for doing chores?

  22. What is your opinion on feminism?

  23. Would you consider yourself a feminist?

  24. People should be allowed to take a day off when they have a bad mental health day.

  25. Women should be given leaves when they suffer from menstrual pain.

  26. Respect does not come with age but by the behaviour of the person.

  27. Is democracy the best political system?

  28. Why is failure necessary?

  29. Is bribery okay? Why?

  30. Should all schools replace books with e-books? Why?

  31. Society’s beauty standards have harmed the self-esteem of young adults.

  32. What would you have done if your closest friend betrayed you?

  33. Artists are getting lost in trying to keep up with the fast pacing world.

  34. Should juveniles be subjected and tried as adults?

  35. Should circuses and zoos hold innocent animals under captivity?

  36. Is global warming a real issue?

  37. Will robots take over the world in the next 100 years?

  38. Can social networking sites be dangerous? How?

  39. What things should people keep in mind on social networking sites?

  40. What are the most severe environmental problems the world is facing today?

  41. Is online banking safe?

  42. Social media has had a negative effect on the mental health of young adults.

  43. Does social media harm the self-esteem of young adults?

  44. Should prisoners be allowed to vote? Why?

  45. What are the dangers of online shopping?

  46. Which is the most significant issue in your country that should be addressed immediately?

  47. What are your country leaders doing to solve the problems of the country?

  48. Do politicians keep the promises that they make?

  49. Are beauty pageants objectifying?

  50. Are the minorities in your country being exploited?

  51. Which is a better teacher in life – failure or success?

  52. It is okay to change opinions when introduced to more information.

  53. Wisdom does not always depend on age.

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